Test Actions:

Here you can test the supported actions for the communication between a webpage and the HS-50.
Set Layout for HS 50 screen. Use a Layout defined in Javascript or a custom XML Layout.
Defined Layouts in Javascript.
Text to display.
NIMMSTA Layout (XML) as string. Refer to NIMMSTA Documentation for more info.
Updates the Layout infos.
New text to display
Sets the LED color.
Red LED value. Min: 0 - Max: 255
Green LED value. Min: 0 - Max: 255
Blue LED value. Min: 0 - Max: 255
Trigger Beeper Burst (Quick succession of beeps)
How often to trigger the beeper. 0 means unlimited.
Duration of one cycle in ms. Min: 10 - Max: 4095
How long the beeper is on within one cycle in ms. Min: 10 - Max: 4095
Noise level of the beeper. Min: 0 - Max: 100
Triggers an LED Burst (Quick succession of LED flashes).
How often to trigger the LED. 0 means unlimited.
Duration of one cycle in ms. Min: 10 - Max: 4095
How long the LED should be on within one cycle in ms.
Min: 10 - Max: 255
Red LED value. Min: 0 - Max: 255
Green LED value. Min: 0 - Max: 255
Blue LED value. Min: 0 - Max: 255
Triggers SOS signal (3x red LED + 3x vibration).
Trigger Vibrator Burst (Quick succession of vibrations)
How often to trigger the vibrator. 0 means unlimited.
Duration of one cycle in ms. Min: 10 - Max: 4095
How long the vibrator should pulsate within one cycle in ms. Min: 10 - Max: 4095
Noise level of the vibrator. Min: 0 - Max: 100
Attach Lighttag Location
Mac address of lighttag
Location name of Lighttag
Set Lighttag Location
Location name of Lighttag
Disconnects the scanner
Last Response:
Last Barcode:
Test Multi-device function

This only works if your installed app allows multiple devices to be connected! Currently this test supports up to 6 devices.